Pediatric Frenectomies
In Centennial

A pediatric frenectomy is a simple, quick procedure to correct issues with the frenulum when it is too tight or thick. This is often referred to as being "tongue-tied" or "lip-tied," depending on which tissue is causing the issue. These ties can restrict movement of the tongue or lips, leading to difficulties with breastfeeding, speech, proper jaw development, and even a patient's airway and breathing.

Frenums are a normal part of oral anatomy, but if they are causing functional issues for your child, they may benefit from a frenectomy or removal of the extra tissue.

Pediatric Frenectomies in Centennial

Does my child really need a frenectomy?

Being told that your infant needs a surgical procedure can sound scary, but frenectomies are simple, safe, and effective with minimal aftercare. Plus, with a conservative approach to pediatric dentistry, your doctor will only recommend frenectomies when they deem them necessary. If you’ve been struggling with breastfeeding or noticing popping or clicking sounds while your child is feeding, it may be time to come in for a frenectomy consultation.

Centennial Pediatric Frenectomies

Did You Know?

tooth icon

Tongue ties occur in 4-11% of newborns.

Laser Frenectomies

Our LightScalpel CO2 laser is a device that produces a concentrated beam of light. The highly focused CO2 laser beam vaporizes tissues cleanly and precisely while sealing blood vessels at the same time, all with minimal discomfort.

The Benefits of Frenectomies

Experience Better Breastfeeding

Tongue/lip ties can make breastfeeding difficult for both baby and mom. Frenectomies ensure your infant can feed properly and help prevent low weight gain.

Prevent Speech Impediments

Early treatment with a frenectomy helps prevent speech impediments due to restricted tongue movement.

Improve Overall Eating Ability

Releasing restrictive tissues can also help older children enjoy their favorite foods with ease.

The Frenectomy Process

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